plays Atmospheric black metal combined with the primitive grim black
metal, This band formed by 5 members is a pretty nice band. I interview
Bruce who is the lead vocals and second guitar. Let's see the interview.
What is your name and what you
perform in the band?
I am Bruce and currently I perform the voices and second
guitars in Soterion.
Metalerosal: When did the band Soterion
Soterion began as an idea of Bruce when he wanted to form
a band of black metal with another ideology, in others words, the Christian
ideology and wanted to show to the metal heads of this southern zone of Chile
that really there is a salvation by a road that is not bored and it is not like
the typical church shows it . At the beginning of the 2004 I received a call of
Moises (ex-bassist) with whom we begin. ... playing covers of Drottnar, Mordecai
and Immortal souls.
Metalerosal: Soterion has released
material or Is it going to release new material?
Bruce: Well, Soterion has a song available
for download in the site
(which won't be the official site) and we expect that in winter to be
able record the first demo CD. This demo includes a version new of the
song immortals. The style now will be a lot more brutal but at the same
time will include some keyboards. A song will be engraved with a session
drummer very accepted in al secular and Christian scene.
Metalerosal: Which is the meaning
of the band's name?
Soterion means salvation. I Found the name seeking
ideas in a Greek dictionary.
Metalerosal: Which is the current
line-up of the band?
Vocals and Guitars: Bruce
Guitar : Sergio
Bass : Christian
keyboards : Nicolas
Drums : Carl
Metalerosal: What is the
message that you bring us through Soterion?
idea is to show the message or the word of our Lord Jesus Christ and we
adapt our lyrics to events that occur in our lives or things constantly
relative, in this case black metal, the word of God should always be
brought to light.
Metalerosal: Which are the
influences of the band?
Lately we have adopted a sound seemed
to Dimmu Borgir with something of Antestor but in reality we maintain
always a somewhat primitive style very brutal.
We add great melodic but brutal
quantity of guitars like the style of bands as megiddon also we set us
in Sorrowstorm.
Metalerosal: When you guys
plan to release your new material?
We will record in the middle of this
winter. we expect that the demo can be released in August or September.
The demo will be a promotional and will be totally independent.
Metalerosal: I have heard that the
scene of Christian metal is growing in Chile.. Can you tell us how is
the Christian metal scene there?
Well yes, many bands have arisen and is good to tell it because I have
seen true spirit in those bands. Also various Christian festivals have
been performed and a good quantity of tocatas (small concerts).
How do you classify the band’s sound?
Soterion is playing atmospheric
black metal with some sounds of the primitive one grim black metal. with
the time itself it's been tuning up and in a future the band will
adopted a sound alike to the style of bands as Immortal, Dimmu Borgir or
Lord Belial.
Metalerosal: Which are the goals for the
next year?
We expect to reach the hearts of
various metal heads in the name of Jesus. Also we want that Soterion
mature so much the lyrical thematic as musical maturity. With effort and
dedication all goes tuning up. We want to have a good musical level to
attract fans of the secular scene.
Want to add
something to this interview?
Well the Lord Jesus always be
with you and continue listening to good metal. greetings to the
Cristian Xtreme Metal site. they are the best! !!!
Download song:
Cult Of Lies