Serpent Grinder: Here it is! the First Interview i conduct! its with PACTO DE SANGRE a power-trash band from Puerto Rico with a powerful message.
Serpent Grinder:
Please introduce all the members of the band and their parts.
Pacto De Sangre:
Right now we are 4 since Millo, our 2nd guitar, left to pursue
his own musical goals. So right now we are Félix Guzmán (1st
guitar and Director), Félix Castro (Drums), Sama (Bass) &
Metaloman (Vox)
Serpent Grinder:
Where is the band from?
Pacto De Sangre: We are from Puerto Rico.
Serpent Grinder:
What styles do you play?
Pacto De Sangre:Basically Clasic & Power Metal, influenced by Speed and Thrash Metal.
Serpent Grinder:
Is the band Christian and what are the main topics of the lyrics?
Pacto De Sangre: Yes it is Christian and the topics are very varied, ranging from bible stories to our own experiences and fictional stories presenting mostly the psichological part of the human thiunking and it's need of God.
Serpent Grinder:
How successful is your band in preaching the word?
Pacto De Sangre: We are giving good and long lasting fruit...
Serpent Grinder:
Are you persecuted in any way because of your lyrics?
Pacto De Sangre:Not really, I think that basically there are different tastes and there are sectors, both in the secular and the Christian stream that would differ from us, but don't think there is any persecution at all.
Serpent Grinder:
What plans do you have in the future?
Pacto De Sangre: We are going into the studio to start recording our new CD called "The Days of Egypt".
Serpent Grinder:
Describe your latest album.
Pacto De Sangre:Our latest album is quite varied and has many styles of metal, defined in different songs, ranging from Comercial metal to thrash. Contrary to that first CD, the second will mix in a very subtle way the more defined Power Metal Style with the speed and the thrash in almost every song, instead of bringing different songs with differents styles of their own.
Serpent Grinder:
Where do you usually tour or perform?
Pacto De Sangre: We play all around the Island of Puerto Rico and have already traveled to Dominican Republic.
Serpent Grinder:
Any Final Comments?
Pacto De Sangre: We appreciate your interest in us and want to tell everyone that Heavy Metal is a matter of musical tastes and a way of life that has nothing to do with religion and that, like any other music is a vehicle for the message you want to give to it. So you do not need to worship darkness or be a bad kind of person to be a metalhead... Try Jesus and if you don't like it, just go back... God Bless!

Official Site: