Band: Keber |
Album: "Pacto De Sangre" |
Label: N/A |
Year: 2000 |
Country:Paraguay |
Official Site:
www.keber.apunto-web.com |
Genre: Black Gothic Metal
Here we got a very brutal band, It's Keber, from Paraguay bringing a brutal Black gothic Metal, something that we don't see everyday, This band delivers their music just the way they know, Around 2003 they released their first demo called: Pacto De Sangre It talks about the pact the man has with GOD, It has only four songs of about six minutes each, Most of the songs are in Spanish but they also have a song in English called: Satan's Destruction a pretty nice song. You can download this song in the following link:www.Doblefilo.fiestras.com
They make a really nice use of the keyboards! This band really know what they are for. They are all pretty Christ-Centered Lyrics! beautiful lirics in Spanish, I consider myself a fan of this band.
They just have recorded the demo, we are waiting for the new material,that is soon to come, so get deep into Keber.
You can download Four songs from the band's official site, Guys, I recommend to you listen to this band, The production is not bad, nor perfect, but they have better production than the most of bands coming from South America, If you like this band and want their demo you can buy it at:www.extremerecords.org just for a few bucks.
Keber's Oficial Site:
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