Flamma Ignis
is extreme
metal band from Spain, Darklukcius has have the opportunity of interview
them, let's check the interview.
What is the current line-up of the band?
Flamma Ignis:
The band is formed by three members. Alberto on drums, David on guitars and me
(Andres) on bass and vocals.
Darklukcius: How do you define the style
you guys play?
Flamma Ignis:
I'm not able to define it, at the very beginning when we started we played many
styles, as you can tell through our first demo. we played from hard rock
to power metal. Now we are heading to a more extreme style Thrash/ Metalcore,
just to give you one idea on how we will sound like.
Darklukcius: We already know that
you have been sharing settings with bands such as Antidemon and
Bloodwork, How was that experience? Tell us more about it.
Flamma Ignis:
For us it was a really extreme
experience, and a privilege to share settings with Bloodwork and
Antidemon, two bands of extreme death metal. The first time it was in a
place in Vigo, we consider that as our first serious concert, to be
honest introduce ourselves in to the christian scene of metal with a
great band Antidemon is, was a really nice experience, we still remember
that day.. The second time it was in Palencia, Spain, there we had the
opportunity to get to know the English band Bloodwork, we showed up with
some problems due to the drummer had been injured,
that's why we only could play a couple of songs, the drummer from
Rethórica Rubén (Dune) lend us a hand, another problem was that my hand
was injured too, but that couldn't stop us, thanks to God everything was
ok, Antidemon and Bloodwork was incredibly great that day .
Darklukcius: How is the recording
of the demo, are you planning to release something?
Flamma Ignis:
In our demo we have recorded the songs we started with, we are still
working on some more, the demo was recorded some time ago therefore it
has nothing to do with our actual sound, we hope to record some of our
new song, maybe release a full length.
Darklukcius: What are the
future plans of the band? What would be some of your goals?
Flamma Ignis:
No doubt our main goal is to offer
all we have, to help the christian scene of metal of Spain, which
actually is pretty void, we think it is important to be light wherever
we could be, so we we'll stay where even others couldn't be.
Darklukcius: Do you have
any support from your church or other ?
Flamma Ignis:
Since we started we did not
received any support from any church as we attend to different churches,
we don't identify ourselves from the same church, we had not have any
problems with church yet, but there are some people that can't
understand what we do, and metal is for God.
Darklukcius: Any Final Comments?
Flamma Ignis:
Never says something is done, you
better examine it, and keep what is good from it, by this I'm saying you
should think well the things. Is the non- christian people so sure that
God don't exist?? If I have to leave a comment is it, I think everyone
should give an opportunity to God, deny Him is a big error .

Contact: flammaignis@hotmail.com