Hailing from Ecuador! this brutal band brings us some Death/ Grind Metal, I interview "Pathryark" the man that does vocals and rythm guitars for this band,
so let's check it out!
Metalerosal: Why did you choose that name for the band and what's the meaning of it?
Pathryark: Doulos is a greek word that the apostle Paul uses in the salutations of all his letters, it means "slave", that's our main goal, becoming slaves of Christ in his resurrection and life.
Metalerosal: What is the current line - up?
Pathryark: Pathryark > vocals & rithm guitars
Arkangel > drums
Dyo > lead guitars
Phoenix > bass
Metalerosal: When was the band started?
Pathryark: The band was started on 2000 since then it have been many changes, but since 2002 we have keep the same line up as well.
Metalerosal: What's the message you bring through Doulos?
Pathryark: Doulos is a band of xtreme metal that worship to the pasion, death, resurrecion of Christ; and fight against the social injustice, achieving the duty of destroying and to knock down, to build in this world of darkness. .
Metalerosal: What are your main influences of the band??
Pathryark: Pathryark > canibal corpse, impetigo, disgorge, encryptor, inversion, feast eternal, extol, mortification(early), metanoia y more
Arkangel > tourniquet, stryper, sletchvalk, kekal, sanctifica.
Dyo > rapsodhy, stryper, mortification, tourniquet, deliverance.
Phoenix > horde, sletchvalk, morphia, virgin black.
Metalerosal: When will the new material be released?
Pathryark: Well, the new material is almost ready, If God let us, will release it this year through an international label.
Metalerosal: Is the new material in the same vein of "Oculto" or are you changing the genre in the new material?
Pathryark: Oculto is a work the marks the Doulo's style, with a good sound, as we want it, in addition
we apologize to those people who have the Doulos- Oculto Cd that was released by Extreme Records brazilian label. it is because the presentation
is so plain, we didn't expect that from that label. we'll be releasing a version as the people deserves in digipack version and lyrics in English and
Spanish. And in relation to the new material it would be Death/Grind Metal without losing the melancholy dommy parts and the brutality of the black metal
those are the genres we manage as well. Our new material is titled "Cadaver" and the songs are very brutal, there's no other definition to describe them,
it could be in the same vein of bands such as: Suffocation, Encryptor and Cannibal Corpse.
Metalerosal: Have you consider on doing an international Tour?
Pathryark: It is our dream that the Latin extreme metal would be know in the whole world; and of course
we are planning on do a tour on american places and more! Deathvastating the darkness with the brutality of Doulos!!
Metalerosal: How do you classify your music?
Pathryark: We have define the sound of Doulos as Melodic Death/Grind Metal, due to the fact that we fussion genres such as: Death,
Grind, Black and Doom.
Metalerosal: What others christians bands have you shared settings with?
Pathryark: Nacional bands: Golgota, Heirus, Sepelium, Phanerosis, Demonkiller.
Internacional: Exousia, Skymetal, Sacrom, Twilight Glimmer, Stigia, Berfegor y more.
Metalerosal: Would you give some words to the people who is outside without Christ?
Pathryark: From all those wasted opportunities would you give one to Christ? who dare to die for you and for me,
and knowing what the creator can do and don't satisfy yourself with what the creation does. There's much more when you give Christ an opportunity.
Metalerosal: Any Label Interests?
Pathryark: As every band wishes to achieve a position, and this can come through to a label
we trust God that he'll put us in the adecuate label to keep fighting.
Metalerosal: Any Closing comments?
Pathryark: Brother, Thanks for the interview! I wish God can make real the passion, Death
Resurrection, and Life of God in all of us. I hope you can listen to Doulos and sometime we can visit your country, Brutal Blessing from Equator!
Visit: www.purevolume.com/doulos_death
