[.:Reviews:.] |

Album "The Forsaken" |
Label: Endtime |
Year: 2005 |
Country: Norway |
Official Site:
www.antestor.com |
Genre: unblack metal |
ANTESTOR Don't really need a presentation, Every Christian metalhead knows who antestor is, and what it stand for. Hailing from the cradle of metal (Norway),Antestor comes with something fresh and new, something never saw before in Antestor, Antestor has always surprise us with their talent, but when I listen the first time to The Forsaken I felt my head almost blow out, with such a nice masterpiece!!!
With pretty nice guitar solos and nice drumming from the master of the secular escene,HELLHAMER, Very well-know drummer from the secular scene for having played in Mayhem and others black metal projects. I say this album is a masterpiece because, you never get bored from the beginning of the CD till the las word sang in this album, I had ANTESTOR in a very high level when I heard The Return Of The Black Death Which has been one of the best album in the christian scene, also Martyrium has been a very sweet album, but in this album they show a very diferent proposal from their previous albums.
The first track of this album called:Rites Of Death is a pretty insane black metal song! Maybe the best from the rest, but one of the highlights of this CD for sure, Vocals seems to have improved in this album, they are black metal shrieking which alone the guitar solos and the drumming bring to antestor to stand in a level that is higher than many secular bands.
The second track Old Times Cruelty starts with melodicals guitars,then comes the furious but more relaxed black metal, but this song is a nice song!! very pleased to my ears, It talks about the medieval times.
Then comes one of my favorites,Via Dolorosa We saw KEKAL playing a song with that name in their album The painful Experience It was a really nice song, even it was just instrumental, But Antestor in this songs brings a pretty insane black metal, showing us the way they developed this years, Even though they released The Defeat Of Satan Which was a doom/sorrow metal album, they had not play or released any material since 1998, when the return of the black death strike us.
The four song called: Raade is just a instrumental songs, that opens the doors to the next song.
After listen to track #4, which is the one that opens the gates to the track number five which is a Killer song called: The Crown I Carry Which is one of the best songs of this album, And my favorite along Rites of Death, The shrienks in this songs are very high - pitch, and the guitars!!! take you to an imaginary place, this song is a very christ-centered song. This song is just marvelous.
Betrayed which is the next song continue with the black metal sounds and solos the drumming is this album is just brilliant, As this album is a masterpiece it has some stuff a little contradictory, Even though the band has changed completely their gospel-like lirics, it is good stuff 'cause people would accept them more in the secular scene and preach the Lord's word through their music.
The Next song Vale Of Tears slows down a little bit, yet it still has very nice melodic guitars!
The Return our next song, talks about when Jesus comes to earth again, but in a simbolic way by "X" and "Y" exponents, a nice song, and the bands keep the black metal!!.
The next song As I Die It is a little bit different from the other because it starts with power metal guitars, what make it a little different, yet is a nice song, very pleased to the ears to listen.
And the last song and the outro of the CD is just a instrumental song, called
Mitt Hjerte is the outro and it is just a guitar sound but it still rocks!! that's why I tell you this is one of the best CD's Ever.
If You are interested in buy ANTESTOR material you can check out: wwww.blastbeats.com
New Antestor Site coming soon at:www.antestor.com
Reviewed by Metalerosal
Running Time: 44:55
Total Songs: 10
Tracklisting: 1.Rites Of Death, 2.Old Times Cruelty, 3.Via Dolorosa, 4.Raade, 5.The Crown I carry, 6.Betrayed, 7.Vale of Tears, 8.The Return, 9.As I Die, 10.Mitt Hjerte,
Highlights: Track 1,2,3,5 and 6
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