By: Deathkirox for christianextrememetal.cjb.net
I recently got to talk to Phil Diez, the one man behind the black metal solo project.
Deathkirox: Hey Phil I hope all is going well.
Deathkirox: How do you feel that God has helped you realize who it is he has made you to be?
Phil Diez--- God is everything to me. I was brought to a personal relationship with Christ through metal music and have pursued ministry for almost 8 years. All the work and toil has paid off and God is constantly forming my identity in Him and with music.
Deathkirox: What is the proposal of your music?
Phil Diez--- God has called me to make music to use as a tool for ministry and to help Christians to be able to enjoy music with a good message, a realistic one. I also want this generation to be able to step away from music with an evil message. I also have a lot of fun marketing, writing songs, and releasing them.
Deathkirox: How do you feel that God can use a band like Sorrowstorm preach the message of Christ?
Phil Diez--- Sorrowstorm uses a realistic Biblical message. It is not a praise and worship band although a few songs are about praising God. It encompasses every emotion that humans have such as sorrow, encouragement; the will to fight for what is right, peace, even anger. Sorrowstorm has played in the Republic of Panama and toured it, and its music has spread in the black metal underground all over the world. The message is for Christians and non-Christians as well. I do not judge anyone and see everyone as equals. Christians are no better than non-Christians.
Deathkirox: For those who don’t know what is going on with Sorrowstorm what advice would you give them?
Phil Diez--- Well, the Sorrowstorm page is at www.sorrowstorm.com and music can be heard at www.purevolume.com/sorrowstorm The cd´s are out of print right now, but you may find one in a distributor or at e-bay. Many copies are in Panama. My e-mail is sorrowstorm@yahoo.com
Deathkirox: What do you feel God is going to be doing with Sorrowstorm in the future?
Phil Diez--- Sorrowstorm is writing music and possibly recording next year. It will expand in the underground with my marketing and promotional plan.
Deathkirox: When do you plain to release your new material? Talk us about it.
Phil Diez--- I can’t say, sorry, because I have no idea. In one year I can be able to tell you.
Deathkirox: Any record label interest?
Phil Diez--- It will be released by my record label Dysmorphic Records. It’s a lot easier that way. I don’t want anyone to own my music or to distribute it wrongfully.
Deathkirox: Any closing comments?
Phil Diez--- Check Sorrowstorm out at the links above. Stay strong in Christ.
Deathkirox: Thank´s Phil God bless you.

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