Eulogium is a band that I just know Hailing From Texas this was one of the bands that participate in the USWMA (U.S White metal Assault) with it's Old School Black Metal for fans of Horde, Dark Endless and Abdijah; An interview to the man behind this
brutality was made by me, So Enjoy this interview with Armando Lopez.
Metalerosal: What's your name and what you perform in the band?
Armando Lopez: My name is Armando
Lopez, and I play everything in Eulogium. It's basically an old school
black metal kinda thing going here.

Metalerosal: Why you call your project Eulogium (which is a nice name) and what's the
meaning you give to it?
Armando Lopez: Eulogium is the Greek word for "Eulogy," which, according to the dictionary, means "high praise." I thought it was not only a cool word for it's sound,
but for it's meaning, and therefore very appropriate for a Christian black
metal project, or "Unblack metal."
Metalerosal: What's the message you bring us with Eulogium?
Armando Lopez: Eulogium's Message is a personal one of grief, and sadness, and how God is
always there, no matter how dark it can get.
Metalerosal: When was this project started?
Armando Lopez: This project was started in October of 2005. I had begun to record on
tapes, but that didn't work. I finally got a hold of some recording
programs and started recording my demo.
Metalerosal: What are some of your influences?
Armando Lopez: Horde, Poems Of Shadows, GRIM, Dark Endless, Abdijah, Cabalistic, Immortal, Marduk, Mayhem, Bestemmia Aeternalis.
Metalerosal: I have heard some of your material so far, and I really like it, but I know
it is only a demo, Are you planning to release a full-length?
Armando Lopez: Oh yes. The
demo stuff really is childs play compared to the new material I'm writing
for the full length. I'm shooting for around 9 to 10 songs, and I really
hope to raise the bar from the demo. So far, the album is entitled "Where
Solace Is Mine."

Eulogium's Demo cover art
Metalerosal: The drumming and the vocals are pretty nice well done. And your lyrics are
pretty Christ-centered, What inspires you in the mood of making music?
Armando Lopez: Thanks for the compliments J. What inspires me is nature in it's purest
form, winter, rainstorms, and the thought of the magnitude of the Love of
Metalerosal: What are your future plans for the band?
Armando Lopez: Well, I hope to play a few
Eulogium songs with my other band "Pessimus Imperium." Eulogium will remain
a solo project, and will continue to write black metal music until I'm the
only one who cares about black metal. I wanna release a good chunk of
albums, maybe get a record deal with a small Christian label. My dream is
to be hailed as one of the greats, alongside Horde, Dark Endless and
Metalerosal: You live in Texas right? Can you tell us how the scene of Christian metal
bands there is?
Armando Lopez: Texas, as far as I know, is starved of Christian METAL
bands. There are tons of Christian hardcore and rock bands, which is good,
but we need more Christian metal. Probably the best Christian metal band to
come out of Texas was Consecrator, an old school thrash band. They were
Metalerosal: Wanna tell something to people who is outside Without Christ?
Armando Lopez: If your life is good, Christ can make it better.
If your life is bad, Christ can still only make it better
If you knew a kind of berry was poisonous, would you eat it? No, you'd find
a berry that's not poisonous. It's the same way with heaven and hell. If
you knew a way to escape hell, you'd do it, wouldn't you? Christ is that
way. Now you know.
Metalerosal: Any Final Comments?
Armando Lopez: You can check out some Eulogium material at: www.myspace.com/eulogium
Interested in buying a demo, or just wanna talk? You can email me at
extol_777@hotmail.com Thanks a lot to Israel (Metalerosal) for the interview and
God bless you all!
Armando Lopez
Come check me out on MySpace at:
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