
Sorrowstorm Interview

We contact with a great warrior of the Metal and great our friend to carry out an interview in depth. Is Phil Diez III, a great servant of GOD in Panama in the scene of the Radical Christian Metal. The interview speaks by itself alone, for which we will dispense with more presentations or introductions. What need to know on this personage, its projects and its motivations will find it in these pages illustrated with diverse photographs. It is a pleasure to carry out this interview, my brother. You would be able to begin speaking us a little your path in the Metal and your beginnings in the work of JESUS.

Oh brother, the pleasure is mine. Everything that I will say in this interview is only by the glory of GOD and its mercy, and not for glorify myself. My position and responsibility in the scene world Christian Metal is only by GOD and not because I am good. Without GOD would be lost.

Right now I am the president and commander of the Legion of Light. The Legion of Light is a matter of a group of people to national level in Panama, that supports the Christian Metal. Has various departments commanded by sub-general. We have a shepherd of the movement, that is the guitarist of SORROWSTORM. There is diverse bands of Metal and other heavy kinds that support us and they try to unite the scene.

I have power on the distribution of Christian Metal in Panama, since I have access to all this since the United States, thanks to CHRIST. I have a program of donation of CDs for people with an economic level low.

I have answered as 60 interviews and a lot of reviews since I began with the Christian Metal, and my projects have appeared in several magazines including HM.

The distribution of the disks produced by my seal Dysmorphic Records they have been distributed in various continents.

In the 2003 we remain of third place in the grammys of heavy music.

SORROWSTORM and ENCRYPTOR, according to the people in Panama, has been classified as the better groups produced, distributed, and but quickly/techniques musically of the country. This is a Christian miracle being works.

Phil Diez III.

When I knew JESUS more in depth to ends of 1997, I entered the band of Death Christian Metal MINISTROS DEL SANTUARIO as the drummer (the first band of Christian Extreme Metal in Panama and the pioneers of the cause). There I grew spiritually and I learned about the difficult thing that is to be evangelist Metal and as Satán wanted to destroy us. Many problems and objections in the band had to pass to do us stronger.

In the 99 I went myself to United States to the university (I graduate in December of the 2003 with a diploma of Business, Marketing, and Liberal Arts). There I began the project ENCRYPTOR and I recorded the first disk "Drowning in Flesh", 8 songs of Brutal Death Metal. I passed for moments very difficult in the university.

When the movement Black Metal in Panama raised itself more and more, I began SORROWSTORM and I recorded the first disk. Various members of MINISTERS OF THE SANCTUARY we unite to touch in SORROWSTORM when arrived from holidays to Panama.

Has been a long trip since the 97, but the fruits have been immense. I have friends in every Latin America that are in the same plan. I have not been able to do tours out of Panama because GOD did not open us the doors.

The fundamental mission that have is to distribute productions of Metal underground Christian in places in which that type of music is difficult to obtain, and to low prices. I want to help to promote and to produce bands of latin american Christian Metal, putting them in compilations and cooperating with its departments. Besides, in the 2004 I believe I am going to situate me in the United States for better to serve to GOD.

What would you tell them the enemies of the Christian Metal?

>That we, the Christians, we are excellent musicians and we can create Metal as good as any another band. Also that have not a mind closed. GOD loves them, Satan hates them to all.

Logo of Encryptor.

Old logo of Sorrowstorm.

Always you work in the Radical Metal. MINISTROS DEL SANTUARIO in the past, and now SORROWSTORM (Black Metal) and ENCRYPTOR (Brutal Death), besides Dysmorphic Records (Radical Metal in general). Which is the main difference between SORROWSTORM and ENCRYPTOR? Reason 2 projects?

SORROWSTORM is Black Metal and ENCRYPTOR is Brutal Death Metal.

Those two kinds they fascinate me and GOD gave me the vision to evangelize to the blackers and to the people that he likes the Death.

Present Logo of Sorrowstorm.

Logo of Dysmorphic Records.

After the publication of the EP “Funeral Oath” of SORROWSTORM now arrives “Sermon Decay” of ENCRYPTOR. Which is the message in these disks?

”Funeral Oath”, in Spanish, signifies ”Juramento Funerario”. This EP is a matter of the death and resurrection of CHRIST. Also there is a song on the dangers of the occultism and another of a war against the devils.

The message is that CHRIST is the SON OF GOD, and the ones that do not they accept it they will not have eternal life. In the site there are lyrics in Spanish.

”Sermon Decay”, in Spanish, signifies ”Rotten Sermon”. In these times, the world this full one of false prophets and false teachers preaching lies and laws of man instead of the healthy doctrine of JESUS. This confuses the people because already few know what is true.

The people walks believing lies that were happinesses by people that do not interpret the word efficiently. This puts me furious because CHRIST is liberty, is not a religion neither a dogma.

Also some lyrics in this disk are a matter of my problem with the depression since the adolescence and as GOD helps me with this.

Let's center in the recently left “Sermon Decay”. The power achieved in this second disk is amazing.

There is few Christian bands that arrive at the brutality of secular bands as Disgorge, Suffocaton, or Internal Suffering.

GOD the vision to create gave me a type of music with a very, very, very heavy sound, so that the people that this kind pleases him they can be blessed.

Is my favorite style of music. I want to create a dark image , always consulting JESUS on this and in a form that glorify him. We have to remember that the Holy one Bible can be very dark and full of death.

¿Reason you touch all the instruments? You have not thought about using more musicians al the same as in SORROWSTORM?

The style of music of ENCRYPTOR is something very personal and difficult to duplicate. As each musician has their form to touch, perhaps would not sound equal if other members were with me. I me center more in producing albums that in carrying out concerts. I like to do alone albums:)

SORROWSTORM yes has an alignment, since the music is but versatile and by motives of evangelización in pagan concerts. SORROWSTORM records in Tampa, Florida. The members of ”SORROW” cannot travel there, so I have to be going to record the alone songs. If GOD gives me members in the future, would be of blessing



You emphasize in this work of special form your condemnation to the religion and the corruption of those false prophets that manipulate the Bible. Is a theme that really worries you? You believe that is the worst one plagues to which the true christianity is faced today?

A false message or opponent to the laws and statutes of GOD is an aberration to everything that is saint. Clearly, not all he is blank and black. There is debate on certain themes of less importance, but if one is truly a disciple of GOD, one he is going to have convictions and the healthy doctrine of JESUS.

The corruption in the church is one of the reasons by which almost neither I attend the church. I study in a Christian school, so there are enough opportunities for biblical studies and prayer. To us the metaleros and rock artists of the department have thrown us of several churches and they call us blasfemos. There are many shepherds that support us, but is difficult to forgive to the ones that they have offended us and underestimated so much. I forgive them, but I continue insisting that the department of us is so legitimate that any another.

We continue ahead and seeing fruits. An Uruguayan friend situated in the United States told me something and he is true. He said "If you try to explain a person with mind closed on the department Metal, he is as if were speaking him in Chinese".

Front of ‘Sermon Decay' (Encryptor).

Joshua Croft.

You explain us the spectacular front of “Sermon Decay”, work of Joshua Croft. I believe that has a lot that to see with it previously explained.

Clearly that yes. Joshua is a great brother in CHRIST and a good artist.

In the front there is a preacher speaking him to a congregation in an old church. The front is as if we were seeing it with spiritual eyes. What we see is what is happening in the spiritual world. There are devils behind the preacher, that is a man all rotten, and the congregation this full one of dying people. Why? By the false word that is being preached.

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